On-demand Webinars

The Luria Neuroscience Institute is pleased to introduce on-demand webinars. The webinars are designed to be taken at your own pace, allowing you to fit them into your busy schedule.

The webinars are presented by Elkhonon Goldberg, Ph.D., ABPP., a clinical neuropsychologist and cognitive neuroscientist, and Diplomate of The American Board of Professional Psychology in Clinical Neuropsychology. His critically acclaimed and bestselling books have been translated into 24 languages.

Each webinar takes 3 hours. The webinars are intended for professionals concerned with mental health and with brain and brain disorders.

Conflicts of Interest:
There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.

Cancellation Policy:
Please email us to request your cancellation.

Grievance Policy:
We seek to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to make every attempt to resolve grievances in a fair manner. Please email us with your written grievance. Grievances would receive, to the best of our ability, corrective action in order to prevent further problems.

Accessibility Policy:
This program adheres to the standards of the Americans Disabilities Act. Please contact us if special accommodation is required.

Fee: Professional: $165.

online video course
3 CE Credits will be awarded for every on-demand webinar by CE credit sponsor to licensed professionals after completing a test.

CUE Management Solutions, LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. CUE Management Solutions, LLC maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
CUE Management Solutions, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0242.

For the international attendees: a certificate of webinar completion can be issued upon request and sent by email in PDF format. Please contact us after completing the webinar if you wish to receive the certificate.


(After receiving your payment we will send you an email from “info@lninstitute.org” email address with the instructions on how to access the webinar. To keep our email messages out of your Spam folder please add this email address to your contacts list.)

Executive Functions and the Frontal Lobes

Executive functions represent the highest level of cognitive control and involve goal formation, planning, mental flexibility, impulse control, working memory. Executive functions are mediated by the prefrontal cortex and related structures. In this webinar we will examine their cognitive composition, neural mechanisms, changes throughout the lifespan, and gender differences. We will also examine how executive functions become impaired in a wide range of neurological, neuropsychiatric, neurodevelopmental, and neurogeriatric disorders.

Topics to be covered:
Executive functions and frontal-lobe functions: are they the same?
Components of executive functions (planning, impulse control, working memory, and others).
Novel approaches to understanding the frontal-lobe functions.
Frontal lobes and large-scale networks (Central Executive, Default Mode, and others).
Executive functions and laterality.
Executive functions and sex differences.
Regulation of emotions: frontal lobes and amygdala.
Executive functions and intelligence.
Executive functions in development and aging.

Learning Objectives. This course is designed to help you:

  1. List brain mechanisms of executive functions: Prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, striatum, related structures and their subdivisions.
  2. Explain the process and brain mechanisms of decision-making: The frontal lobes and “executive functions”.
  3. Explain the brain mechanisms of emotions: Amygdala and the frontal lobes.
  4. Describe executive functions in normal development and aging.

Recording date: November 26, 2023.


Executive Dysfunction in Brain Disorders

Executive functions are the most fragile of all cognitive functions. They are affected in a wide range of neurological, psychiatric, neurodevelopmental, and neurogeriatric disorders. In this webinar we will examine how executive functions are affected in various dementias (including Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia, and Frontotemporal dementia); traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular disease, neuropsychiatric disorders (including schizophrenia and affective disorders), infectious encephalopathies, seizure disorders, and other clinical conditions, including viral encephalopathies, like neuro-COVID.

Topics to be covered:
Executive dysfunction in dementias (Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia, Fronto-temporal dementia).
Executive dysfunction in traumatic brain injury (reticulo-frontal disconnection syndrome).
Executive dysfunction in cerebrovascular disorders (CVA, aneurysms).
Executive dysfunction in neurodevelopmental disorders (ADHD, Tourette’s Syndrome).
Executive dysfunction in neuropsychiatric disorders (schizophrenia, affective disorders).
Executive dysfunction in movement disorders (Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease).
Executive dysfunction in infectious encephalopathies (neuro-COVID and others).
Executive dysfunction and seizure disorders.
Executive dysfunction and laterality.

Learning Objectives. This course is designed to help you:

  1. Analyze executive dysfunction in neurodevelopmental disorders. Executive dysfunction and ADHD – same or different? Where do they overlap and where do they diverge?
  2. Analyze executive dysfunction in dementias: Alzheimer’s, Lewy body, Fronto-temporal and others.
  3. Analyze executive dysfunction in Traumatic Brain Injury: “mild” TBI is not so mild.
  4. Analyze executive dysfunction in neuropsychiatric disorders: schizophrenia, affective disorders, Tourette’s syndrome and OCD.

Recording date: November 11, 2023.


Laterality and Functional Organization of the Brain

Laterality is a fundamental feature of brain organization. In this webinar we will discuss why the traditional understanding of hemispheric specialization fails to capture all its essential aspects, and will introduce a new understanding of brain laterality which permits a broader evolutionary perspective. We will review the neuroanatomical and biochemical differences between the two hemispheres; their respective (and changing) roles in cognition across the lifespan; examine gender and handedness differences in laterality; as well as the relationship between hemispheric specialization and emotions. We will also review the nature of hemispheric specialization across species throughout evolution.

Topics to be covered:
Where the traditional notions of hemispheric specialization got it wrong.
Functional laterality and brain anatomy. Laterality throughout evolution.
Novel approaches to hemispheric specialization.
How the two hemispheres develop and age.
Laterality and gender and handedness differences.
Laterality and regulation of emotions.

Learning Objectives. This course is designed to help you:

  1. Describe biological differences between the cerebral hemispheres: morphology, connectivity, and biochemistry.
  2. Describe sex differences in hemispheric specialization: How is hemispheric laterality different in females and males.
  3. Explain the limitations of the traditional paradigm: Left-hemispheric language and right-hemispheric spatial processing? Not so simple.
  4. Explain the roles of the two hemispheres in learning: the role of the right hemisphere in dealing with cognitive novelty and of the left hemisphere in maintaining well-formed knowledge.

Recording date: September 23, 2023.


Laterality and Brain Dysfunction

A number of neurocognitive disorders impact the two cerebral hemispheres to unequal degrees. In this webinar we will review several such disorders from the standpoint of hemispheric specialization. They will include neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g. dyslexias, non-verbal learning disabilities); dementias (e.g. frontotemporal dementia); striatal disorders (e.g. Parkinson’s disease and Tourette’s syndrome); neuropsychiatric disorders (e.g. schizophrenia); and certain cerebrovascular disorders. We will also discuss why certain forms of diffuse brain dysfunction may masquerade as lateralized brain disease.

Topics to be covered:
Laterality and learning disabilities (dyslexias vs NVLD).
Laterality and dementias: Is fronto-temporal dementia lateralized?
Laterality and striatal disorders (Parkinson’s disease and Tourette’s syndrome).
Major cerebrovascular disorders and cerebral hemispheres.
Laterality and neuropsychiatric disorders: Schizophrenia and the left hemisphere.
Laterality and differential functional breakdown threshold.

Learning Objectives. This course is designed to help you:

  1. Describe left hemispheric dysfunction in schizophrenia.
  2. Describe left hemispheric dysfunction in fronto-temporal dementia.
  3. Describe left hemineglect and right-hemispheric damage.
  4. Describe pseudodepression and bell indifference in lateralized frontal CVA.

Recording date: September 14, 2022.


Aging and Dementias

Dementias are among the most prevalent neurocognitive disorders presenting a unique set of clinical and societal challenges. In this webinar we will review several major types of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia and its relationship to Parkinson’s disease, frontotemporal dementia, vascular dementia, and others. For each of these disorders we will discuss the underlying neurobiology, epidemiology, natural history, diagnosis, and cognitive characteristics. We will also discuss cognitive aging, as well as both protective and risk factors associated with it.

Topics to be covered:
Epidemiology and demographics of dementias.
Alzheimer’s disease: neurobiology, epidemiology, natural history, neurocognitive characteristics, and diagnosis. Lewy body dementia and Parkinson’s disease: neurobiology, epidemiology, natural history, neurocognitive characteristics, and diagnosis.
Fronto-temporal dementia: neurobiology, epidemiology, natural history, neurocognitive characteristics, and diagnosis. Vascular dementia: neurobiology, epidemiology, natural history, neurocognitive characteristics, and diagnosis.
Korsakoff’s syndrome: neurobiology, epidemiology, natural history, neurocognitive characteristics, and diagnosis. Mixed dementias: neurobiology, epidemiology, natural history, neurocognitive characteristics, and diagnosis.
Mild Neurcognitive disorder and its relationship to dementias. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and misdiagnosis.
Memory impairment in dementias and the fallacy of old diagnostic criteria. Executive impairment in dementias: still underrecognized.
Arousal impairment in dementias. Changes in the epidemiology of dementias and possible causes behind them.
Cognitive aging: its characteristics, protective factors, and risk factors.
Cognitive enhancement and surrounding controversies.

Learning Objectives. This course is designed to help you:

  1. Describe the biological characteristics of major dementias.
  2. Describe the cognitive characteristics of major dementias.
  3. Discuss the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of dementias.
  4. Explain the factors influencing the course of cognitive aging.

Recording date: September 21, 2023.


Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a highly prevalent condition sometimes referred to as a “silent epidemic.” In this webinar we will review various types of TBI (closed, open, blast); various causes and unique characteristics of motor vehicle accidents, workplace-related, military and sports TBI; various mechanisms of TBI (diffuse axonal injury, contre-coup, neurometabolic cascade); cognitive characteristics (particularly executive and memory impairment); recovery from TBI and long-term outcomes; and forensic issues commonly associated with TBI.

Topics to be covered:
Epidemiology of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Types of traumatic brain injury (TBI): closed, open (penetrating and perforating), blast. Severity and criteria of traumatic brain injury (TBI): mild, moderate, severe.
Causes of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Mechanisms of traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Focal vs. diffuse components of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Neuroanatomical structures most vulnerable in traumatic brain injury (TBI). Natural course of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and the multiple forms it may take.
Secondary complications in traumatic brain injury (TBI). Cognitive consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Executive deficit in traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Memory impairment in traumatic brain injury (TBI): anterograde and retrograde amnesia.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) in sports and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy.
Military traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Forensic issues in traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Learning Objectives. This course is designed to help you:

  1. Describe the types of traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  2. Explain the mechanisms of traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  3. List the multiple possible courses of traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  4. Explain the cognitive characteristics of traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Recording date: November 5, 2023.


Tourette and ADHD: A New Look at an Old Quandary

The ADHD diagnosis has acquired the status of a fad and is often given too casually and inclusively. Conflation between two distinct classes of clinical phenomena, hyperactivity and exploratory behavior, is a common source of ADHD overdiagnosis. Inspired by early insights by Oliver Sacks, we examine the relationship between frontal-lobe syndromes, Tourette syndrome, and Parkinson’s disease. This synthesis leads to a new understanding of Tourette syndrome and helps identify its distinct subtypes. These subtypes are caused, respectively, by predominant dysregulation in the left vs right fronto-striatal systems, and result in the preponderance of tics vs excessive exploratory behaviors. We examine the difference between
hyperactivity and excessive exploratory behavior, and the potential for diagnostic confusion
between ADHD and Tourette if this difference is ignored.

Topics to be covered:
Overdiagnosis of ADHD. A source of overdiagnosis: conflation of hyperactivity and exploratory behavior. What is the difference?
Are the diagnostic criteria for ADHD too broad? Duality of symptoms in Tourette syndrome: tics vs exploratory behavior.
Are the diagnostic criteria for Tourette too narrow? The triple-decker: Frontal lesions, Tourette syndrome, and Parkinson’s disease.
Introducing “hemi-Tourette” subtypes.
Clinical features of “hemi-Tourette” subtypes.
Clearing up the diagnostic confusion between Tourette and ADHD.

Learning Objectives. This course is designed to help you:

  1. Explain the relationship between Tourette and ADHD diagnoses.
  2. Describe the concept of “excessive exploratory behavior” and how it is different from hyperactivity.
  3. Explain the role of fronto-striatal interaction breakdown in Tourette syndrome.
  4. Summarize the concept of “hemi-Tourette” syndrome variants.

Recording date: November 12, 2023.


COVID-19 and Brain Dysfunction: Evolving Understanding

COVID-19 is a viral illness caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which has become
a global pandemic affecting all of us. While it has been originally characterized as respiratory
illness, a growing body of evidence suggests that the brain may also be affected. In this webinar
we will discuss the concept of “neuro-COVID” and examine the emerging evidence of COVID-19
impact on the human brain and the multiple clinical neurological and neuropsychological
manifestations of this impact. In particular, we will discuss the potential for long-term
neurocognitive sequelae of neuro-COVID and the role of neuropsychology in addressing them.
In addition, we will briefly review the impact of diseases caused by other coronaviruses (SARS,
MERS) on the brain.

Topics to be covered:
COVID-19 pandemic and the brain.
Brain as the target of COVID-19.
Direct vs indirect mechanisms of brain damage in COVID-19.
Primary mechanisms of brain infection: transsynaptic vs hematogenous.
Mechanisms of infection: the role of ACE2 receptor.
COVID-19 and immune response.
Clinical neurological and neuropsychiatric manifestations of COVID-19.
Introducing “Neuro-COVID”.
Long-term sequelae of Neuro-COVID.
Other coronaviruses and the brain: SARS, MERS.
Other viruses and the brain: HIV, and HSV.

Learning Objectives. This course is designed to help you:

  1. Explain the meaning of COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2.
  2. Identify the COVID-19 impact on the brain.
  3. Explain neurological and neuropsychiatric manifestations of COVID-19.
  4. Describe the neurological manifestations of other viral encephalopathies: SARS, MERS, HIV, and HSV.

Recording date: August 31, 2022.


NEUROCOVID-19: Cognitive, Psychiatric, and Psychological Manifestations

COVID-19 can affect the brain of infected individuals, which may result in a wide range of neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms. It can also have a profound psychological and psychiatric impact on the general population. In this webinar we will further discuss the concept of “neuro-COVID” and examine the expanding knowledge of its impact on specific brain systems. We will examine the causal role of neuro-COVID in dementia and delirium; in executive deficit, memory impairment and other specific cognitive impairments; in psychosis and psychiatric and psychological disorders; and its pediatric manifestations. We will also review the emerging therapeutic approaches, global research and clinical initiatives, and how one can participate in them.

Topics to be covered:
COVID-19 pandemic and the brain: a brief recap.
The impact of neuro-COVID on the frontal lobes, temporal lobes, brainstem, and other structures.
Specific types of cognitive impairment caused by neuro-COVID: executive deficit, amnestic syndromes, and others.
Delirium and dementia in neuro-COVID. Psychiatric manifestations of neuro-COVID.
Psychosis in neuro-COVID.
Neuro-COVID in children.
Emerging therapeutic approaches.
Global initiatives.

Learning Objectives. This course is designed to help you:

  1. Describe the COVID-19 impact on specific brain structures.
  2. Identify specific neurocognitive manifestations of COVID-19.
  3. Explain specific neuropsychiatric manifestations of COVID-19.

Recording date: September 6, 2022.


Long NEUROCOVID: What Has Been Learned

New information will be presented about the evolution of the pandemic, challenges associated
with vaccination, and the variants. As the pandemic evolves, its character changes. Vaccines
are here, but so are the new virus variants. We have a better understanding of the mechanisms
of acute and long NEUROCOVID, and of its impact on various segments of the population.
NEUROVID in children and in the elderly is of particular concern, as well as its being a risk
factor for later-life dementia. The burden of the pandemic on the overall psychological state of
the world is growing, but so are the arsenal of tools to counter its effects. These and other
issues will be discussed in the new webinar.

Topics to be covered:
Evolving pandemic statistics.
Vaccination and its challenges.
Acute NEUROCOVID and the variants.
NEUROCOVID and later-life dementias – growing concerns.
NEUROCOVID in children – recent findings.
Worldwide psychological burden of the pandemic two years later.
Rehabilitation of NEUROCOVID.
Telemedicine and NEUROCOVID.

Learning Objectives. This course is designed to help you:

  1. Describe the worldwide dynamics of the pandemic.
  2. Describe the challenges of vaccination.
  3. Explain the growing concerns about dementia later in life after COVID-19 infection.
  4. Describe the new findings about NEUROCOVID in children.

Recording date: September 24, 2023.


Memory and Memory Impairments

Memory is among the most important cognitive functions, and memory impairment is among the most common and most catastrophic consequences of neurological and psychiatric conditions. In this webinar we will review the basic neurobiology of memory and various forms of memory in normal cognition, including associative memory and working memory. We will then review various amnestic syndromes, e.g. anterograde and retrograde amnesias; and types of memory impairments across a wide range of brain disorders. These include Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias; Korsakoff syndrome; traumatic brain injury; temporal lobe epilepsy; viral encephalopathies including COVID-19, HIV encephalopathy, and herpes simplex encephalopathy; and other disorders, as well as usually ignored neurodevelopmental memory impairments. We will discuss memory changes in aging and efforts to protect it.

Topics to be covered:
Basic neurobiology of memory. Components of memory circuits and their neuroanatomy.
Types of memory from a cognitive standpoint: associative vs working; explicit vs implicit; intentional vs incidental.
Forgetting and why it is useful.
Amnesias: anterograde vs retrograde; general vs modality specific.
Assessment of memory and amnesias.
Memory and aging.
Memory impairment in dementias (Alzheimer’s and others).
Memory impairment in traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Memory impairment in viral encephalopathies (Herpes Simplex, HIV, COVID-19).
Memory and neurodevelopmental disorders: neglected condition.

Learning Objectives. This course is designed to help you:

  1. Explain basic mechanisms of memory.
  2. Describe different forms of memory.
  3. Explain major forms of amnesia
  4. Describe memory impairments in dementias, traumatic brain injuries, and viral

Recording date: September 10, 2023.


Brain Disorders and Criminal Behavior

Various brain disorders may alter behavior in ways that result in behaviors judged by society as antisocial or outright criminal. Ultimately the judgment whether certain acts are criminal and to what extent (if any) a history of brain disorder is a mitigating factor, rests with the legal system. However, mental health professionals can make important contributions to these decisions in an advisory capacity. It is important to educate both mental health professionals and members of the legal profession about the many possible ways in which brain damage may contribute to criminal behavior. Socially aberrant behaviors are more common in certain brain disorders than in others; the manifestations may be different, and so are the underlying mechanisms. In this webinar we will review some of the conditions with which aberrant behaviors may be associated. These include dementias, neurodevelopmental disorders, traumatic brain injury,
seizures, space occupying lesions, neuropsychiatric disorders, and others. It is important for clinicians working with these populations to be aware of the potential for socially aberrant behavior, which may be predicated, entirely or in part, on the intrinsic properties of underlying brain disease and associated cognitive impairment and disinhibition.

Topics to be covered:
Relationship between neuropsychological and legal perspectives.
Frontal lobe dysfunction and aberrant behavior.
Criminal behavior in dementias: frontotemporal (FTD) and others.
Criminal behavior in traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Early life TBI as a risk factor for later-life criminality.
Aggression in temporal lobe epilepsy: real or imagined?
Space occupying lesions: arachnoid cysts and violent psychosis.
Is there a relationship between depression and aggression?
Schizophrenia and violence: is there a link?
Neurodevelopmental disorders: aggression and anger.

Learning Objectives. This course is designed to help you:

  1. Describe the potential for criminal behavior in dementias.
  2. Describe the potential for criminal behavior in traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  3. Explain the controversies surrounding violent behavior in seizure disorders.
  4. Describe the potential for criminal behavior in space occupying with lesions.
  5. Describe the potential for criminal behavior in neuropsychiatric disorders.

Recording date: September 14, 2023.


How the Brain Deals with Novelty and Uncertainty

Fully deterministic, fixed situations exist only in psychology experiments. By contrast, real life is full of novel challenges and uncertainties. Furthermore, complex systems, both biological and artificial, must have the ability to acquire new information without degrading previously acquired information. In this webinar we will discuss how evolution “solved” these challenges by distributing the responsibilities between the two hemispheres: the right hemisphere is more adept at dealing with novel, ambiguous situations; and the left hemisphere at preserving well established knowledge and cognitive routines. We will review the developmental and neuroimaging evidence for this broad functional distinction, its neural mechanisms, and its evolutionary history in primates, dolphins, birds, and even in invertebrate species. We will also examine how this new understanding of hemispheric specialization sheds new light on certain neurological disorders.

Topics to be covered:
What is wrong with the classic view of hemispheric specialization.
Morphological, cellular, and biochemical asymmetries in the brain.
Novelty vs familiarity is a fundamental cognitive distinction throughout evolution and in human development.
Cognitive novelty and the right hemisphere.
Cognitive routines and the left hemisphere.
Functional lateralization in primates, dolphins, birds, and bees.
Neural mechanisms behind the novelty-routinization distinction.
Aberrant laterality and its clinical manifestations.

Learning Objectives. This course is designed to help you:

  1. Describe the morphological, cellular, and biochemical differences between the two hemispheres.
  2. Explain the distinction between cognitive novelty and cognitive routines.
  3. Conceptualize the functional differences between the right and left hemisphere.
  4. Summarize the evolutionary history of hemispheric specialization.

Recording date: November 7, 2021.


Creativity and Cognition

Creativity is a complex construct involving multiple components. We will discuss the various components of creativity. Creativity is not a monolithic trait; there are many paths to creativity. Even the most innovative creative individual ahead of his or her society is a product of that society. We will discuss the relationship between individual creativity, cognition, and the host culture. In order to be recognized by society as creative, a scientific or artistic product has to be novel. But novelty alone is not sufficient; the product must also be relevant. We will discuss the relationship between creativity, novelty, and salience. The relationship between creativity and intelligence has intrigued psychologists for decades. We will discuss this relationship, as well as the limitations of current approaches – intelligence defined as IQ and creativity as performance on “divergent thinking” tests. The connection between creativity and psychopathology has intrigued scientists, clinicians, and the general public for years. We will discuss the evidence for and against this relationship, as well as the possible brain mechanisms behind it. Can creativity be enhanced? We will discuss some of the programs designed to enhance creativity, or at least it components and prerequisites. Is creativity the unique attribute of human cognition? This point of view may flatter our feeling of exceptionalism but rudimentary creativity may be present already in other species. We will review the evidence.

Topics to be covered:
Creativity and society. Innovator vs consumer.
Creativity deconstructed. Building blocks of creativity.
Innovation, salience, and how they interact in the creative process.
Creativity and intelligence. Are they linked and when do they become uncoupled?
Creativity and psychopathology: Affective disorders, FTD, and other conditions.
Enhancing creativity? Creativity as the new focus of educational process.
Evolutionary roots of creativity.
Defining and studying creativity in other species.
Creativity and artificial intelligence.

Learning Objectives. This course is designed to help you:

  1. List the main components of the creative process.
  2. Analyze the relationship between individual creativity and culture.
  3. Analyze the relationship between creativity and intelligence.
  4. Analyze the evolutionary roots of creativity.

Recording date: November 4, 2023.


Creativity and the Brain

Numerous claims have been made in the scientific and popular literature, linking creativity to specific brain structures. Which among these claims are accurate and which are tabloid oversimplifications? The multicomponential nature of creativity implies that multiple brain structures are involved. The right hemisphere has a preferential relationship to novelty-seeking. We will discuss the evidence for, and the mechanisms of this relationship. The prefrontal cortex is critical for decision making and for determining what is important. We will discuss the mechanisms of how this happens. Even the most original innovation is built on previously accumulated knowledge and concepts. The left hemisphere is particularly important as the “repository” of such knowledge. What is the relationship between the deliberate and effortful vs. the unconscious and spontaneous? These two complementary components of the creative process may be related to the hyperfrontal vs. hypofrontal brain states. We will discuss this relationship. Is there a genetic basis for creativity? This question is closely linked to another one: the genetic basis of intelligence. We will discuss both questions. The age of a solitary genius is mostly over. Increasingly the creative process is a team process both in science, industry, and the arts. We will discuss the nascent research into group creativity.

Topics to be covered:
Facts and fads of creativity. No single locus in the brain.
Creativity, novelty, and the right hemisphere.
Salience, decision making, and the frontal lobes.
“Standing on the shoulders of giants” and the left hemisphere.
Perspiration and inspiration: hyperfrontality and hypofrontality.
Creativity and the genes: candidate genes and whole genome.
Group creativity: How different brains can work better together.
Learning Objectives. This course is designed to help you:

  1. Describe the relationship between novelty seeking, creativity, and the right hemisphere.
  2. Describe the relationship between the decision making, creativity, and the frontal lobes.
  3. Describe the concepts of hyperfrontality and hypofrontality in innovation and creativity.
  4. Describe the evidence for and against genetic basis of creativity and intelligence.

Recording date: December 2, 2021.